We are pleased to announce that the TONE Beverage Manager Software for the Touch 03 is now available for download in all AppStores. It has also been given a completely new look and impresses with its user-friendliness! Various new gadgets like the in- and export of recipes or the freestyle mode, where the barista has the possibility to adjust all parameters – ALL of them – according to his needs.
NOW available in iOS, Google and Microsoft App Store.

The proven tab provides a tool for a quick and successful recipe creation. There are four pre-set options for coffee and three for tea, which will result in different flavour intensities of the beverage.


The Advanced tab provides you a very intuitive and comprehensive tool for the creation of new recipes. You can set the temperature of each extraction phase (bloom, turbulence, development) and define the characteristics of the water pulses (quantity, flow ratio, duration, interval).

The freestyle chapter provides a way to create a recipe entirely without restrictions or frameworks.
Let’s try your own recipe!